For Avaz ver 8.0 and above

  1. Tap on Menu>Edit words.
  2. Tap on Add New or tap on the '+' sign in the blank locations, to add a word in a particular tile location.
  3. A window is displayed to select what you want to add. Tap on Word.

  4. The Add Word window is divided into two sections: Basic and Advanced as shown in the two tabs on the top of the window. You can switch between the tabs by tapping the required tab.  
  5. Select the Basic tab first. Enter the word that you want to add next to Word. This automatically displays the image for the word, picking up the symbol from the app's library of images.  

  6. Tap the Speaker button to hear how the word is spoken. If required, you can change the pronunciation or record your voice
  7. You can change Word Type by selecting from the dropdown list. That will change the background color of the button. Tap Save on the top right corner. 
  8. Next, tap the Advanced tab, to set up other attributes of the word, as displayed on the left panel.
    1. Word Form 
      The "word type" is carried from the setting specified in the Basic tab. The same can be changed through the drop-down menu.  You can then add the Word forms which are the morphological variations of the word. 
      E.g. coat - coat, coats, coat's (singular, plural, possessive)
    2. Sound
      Use the "Speak As" option to preview or record audio for the icon/word. 
    3. Actions
      The Actions button allows you to add actions to the icon, such as linking a YouTube video or jumping to another page. 

    4. On making all the changes, tap on Save at the top right corner to save the word.
  9. You will see a message to confirm the save. Tapping on Cancel prompts an alert popup, notifying you of unsaved changes and offering options to Go Back or Exit.


If you want to change the images, tap here to know more: 

FAQ: How to change the image / add a photo? 

FAQ: How to add a GIF ?

For Avaz ver 6.6+

  1. Tap the Menu button on the top right corner.
  2. Tap Edit Words. 
  3. Tap Add New
  4. Select Word. It opens Add a New word window.
  5. It opens Add a New word window. 
  6. Enter the word to add and tap Next on the keyboard. 
  7. This displays a suitable image for the word, picked from the Symbolstix library within the app. You can scroll through the list of images (through the right arrow icon) and select the most appropriate one. 
  8. You can also add your own photos or click a photo from the camera. Click here to see How to add my own photos?   
  9. Change audio : You can listen to the audio of the word by tapping the Speaker button in the Speak As section above. Click here to see How to change the audio?
  10. Change background color by changing the word type. 
  11. Tap Save button on the top right corner to exit the Edit mode and create the new folder. 

For Avaz Ver less than 6.6

  1. Click on the 'Edit' button on the top bar. This makes the app go into the Edit mode (you will see the Edit button red in color and it will remain so until you tap it again to turn it off.)
  2. Click on 'Add New' button on the top left corner. You will see three options - New Message, New Category or Add many items. 
  3. If you want to add many words at one go, tap here to see how to Add multiple words or items.
  4. If you want to add one word at a time, tap the New Message button to add a new word. This opens an Edit item window to add the new button/ icon. 
  5. In the pop-up window, type the message/category under 'Caption'. This automatically displays a default image for the word. 
  6. If you wish to change the image, scroll through the list of images from the library (we use Symbolstix library, offering 15,000+ symbols). You may type the appropriate keyword in the 'Find Symbol' box to find a suitable image. Alternately, you can even take a photo instantly using either the 'Take Photo' or choose from your gallery using the 'Choose Photo' option. Also see How do I add my own photos. 
  7. You can add audio, change pronunciation to alter the default audio. 
  8. You can specify the color code or even keep it hidden from the child’s view.
  9. After you are done, the new icon is added at the end of the page. If you wish to change the position, you can drag it around to a new location. 

Video of how to add a word

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Avaz FAQ: How to link a YouTube Video ?

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