Avaz uses a color code for the words in the picture vocabulary, to differentiate between the various parts of speech.  The color code used in Avaz picture vocabulary is a modified version of the Fitzgerald color key.

  1. Green - verbs  
  2. Orange - nouns 
  3. Blue - descriptors 
  4. Purple - places 
  5. Yellow - people and pronouns 
  6. Grey - questions and time 
  7. Pink - phrases 

    Refer to the table below for more details of each color code with examples. 

When you create a new word, the color code is automatically assigned to the word, depending on the word type. However, you may change it if you wish to, by tapping the color in the Color palette, that also displays the color coding used, where the colors assigned for each part-of-speech is indicated. 

For Avaz version 8.0 and above

In Ver 8.0 there are more shades added for of each of the above colors of the Color code. This can be used for providing better visual discrimation while creating sub-groups within a specific category of words. You can create sub-groups of verbs on the same page and use different shades of green to visually discriminate them - e.g. verbs related to "doing", "senses", and "food"  etc. 

Color code indicated in the Add word or Update Word window

Avaz version 6.6 

Colour code indicated in the Edit word window

Avaz version below 6.6.

You can change the colors individually for each icon. The details of the color code are also indicated in the Edit mode, in the Add item or Change item window, where you can change the existing color code. 

Reference articles: 

Avaz FAQ: How do I change the background color (color code) of a word?