Click here to read What are Core Words ?

What was the basis for choosing the core vocabulary and whose list does Avaz use? 

The Core words selection, approach and design of the Avaz picture vocabulary was based on the following research findings:

Core Words selection based on the following Research findings: 

  1. Banajee's Toddler words- Banajee, M., DiCarlo, C. & Stricklin, S. (2003). Core Vocabulary Determination for Toddlers. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 19, 67-73.  The core words on this list comprise 96.3% of the total words used by toddlers in the study conducted by Banajee, Dicarlo, and Stricklin.
  2. Preschoolers list of Core Words - Marvin, C. A., Beukelman, D. R., & Bilyeu -1997
  3. NLDAAC by Gail Van Tatenhove - Gail Van Tatenhove, G. (2005). Normal Language Development, Generative Language & AAC. revised October 2007 

Avaz offers 3 levels of graded vocabulary. Core words are available in the Home pages of the various levels and more core words are available in the Core Words folder, that is accessible with one click, using the Core Words button. This can be set up in Settings > Quick/Core Words = Core Words.  The words in the Core Words folder are arranged by parts of speech. Each vocabulary level has a set of Core Words that increases with each advancing level. 

Consistent motor patterns: 

The Core words retain the same position even if they appear in more than one folder, so as to retain the motor patterns. 

E.g. Some Core words may be duplicated in some of the other relevant folders such as ACTIONS, TIME etc. E.g. the words is, can, will are present in the Home page of Level 3 vocabulary, and are also present in ACTIONS folder in the same positions, retaining the same motor pattern. 

Also, as the user progresses from one vocabulary level to another, the positions of Core words and vocabulary are designed to maintain consistent motor patterns. 

NOTE: If you don't want to use all the core words present in the CORE WORDS folder, it is recommended to hide the core words that you don't want to use, and not change the positions of the Core words. 

Approach to vocabulary design 
Avaz vocabulary has 3 graded levels of vocabulary. These are based on the following principles: 
  1. Language function and early Generative Language - Gail Van Tatenhove
  2. Brown's stages of language development