You can share messages created on Avaz with other apps that are installed on the same device - e.g. email, Facebook, WhatsApp (on Android) etc.
For version 8.0 and above
- Tap Menu>Settings.
- Tap Message box.
- Tap Share Messages.
- Select Image or Text. If you select "Image" you can share the image and text both, if you share "Text" only text will be shared.
- The Share option is seen in the message box.
- You will see all the sharing apps available on your device to share the message from.
For Avaz versions 6.6
- Tap Menu > Settings > General - Share Messages = ON.
2. Create the message in Avaz message box. You will see a Share icon on the right end of the message box. Tap the Share icon to share the message displayed on the message box.
Screenshot: Tap Share button on the message box
3. This opens up a window with a list of apps available in the device for sharing.
Screenshot: List of apps to share (iOS)
Screenshot: List of apps to share (Android screen)
For Avaz versions 5.0+
You can share Avaz messages as text (iMessage), or as an email, or post on Facebook or share with any other apps on your device.
1. Tap Settings >Share Avaz messages = ON
2. Create the message in Avaz message box.
3. Tap the message box to speak. When you tap it, you will see a blue Share icon on the right end of the message box.
4. Tap the Share icon to share the message displayed on the message box. It opens up a window with a list of apps available for sharing.
5. Select the app to share the Avaz message.
For Avaz versions less than 5.0
You can share Avaz messages as text (iMessage), email, Facebook or Twitter, and also copy text to clipboard (for pasting into any other document or app). You can select the app to be shared with, in Avaz settings.
- Tap Settings >Share on Social media (under General)
- Select one of these options for sharing your message. (Text, Facebook,Twitter,Email). See screenshot below*.
- Create the message in Avaz message box.
- Tap the message box to speak. When you tap it, you will see an icon on the right end of the message box (e.g. text / mail / facebook / twitter icon), depending on what you have set up for sharing.
- Tap the icon to share the message displayed on the message box. See screenshot below.**
- Enter the details of the recipient as appropriate
- For email - email id
- For text messages - Apple ID (email id ). Note that Text messages are sent to iMessage only.
- For Facebook - set up Facebook on the iPad and sign in (one time activity) through the iPad device settings. Settings > Facebook.
- For Twitter - set up Twitter on the the iPad and sign in (one time activity) through the iPad device settings. Settings > Twitter.
Note: Copying to clipboard (ver 4.0 and above)
When you tap the Message box to speak the sentence, the content is automatically copied to the Clipboard. You can then paste the content either in a document / mail.
Screenshots for Sharing on Social media
* Select option for sharing message
** Tap the icon to send the message
View a brief video to see how to send messages.