What does export-import do ?

Export-Import helps to transfer a specific folder (and the content within it - messages and categories) from one device to another, without having to copy the entire content through a backup.  

1) Export a folder / category 

For Avaz versions 6.6+

  1. Navigate to the folder that you want to export. 
  2. Tap Menu icon on the top right corner of the screen. 
  3. Tap the Edit words icon. This takes you to the Edit Words mode. 
  4. Tap the Folder Options icon on the top right corner. (See Screenshot 1)
    Screenshot 1: Folder options

  5. This opens the Import/Export options. Select the Export & Share the Current folder. 
  6. You will be prompted to enter the name of the backup folder for export. 
  7. Tap OK to confirm. 

  8. The current folder is exported as the <name>.avc file. This file can be found in Folder Options -> Browse -> Folder backups. 
  9. On successful export, this information is displayed as a message, with a button to share. 
  10. Alternatively, you can also select the exported file and tap the Share button to share it. 

  11. This pops up the list of apps to select from, for sharing the exported folder. 

    If you have Android, the Share screen looks like the one below: 

    If you have iOS, the Share screen looks like the one below:

Sharing the exported file: 

There are different ways to transfer the exported file :

  1. Through AirDrop (only between Apple devices) - recommended method 
  2. Through email (as an attachment) OR
  3. Through Dropbox

    Use methods 2 or 3 for transferring between 2 Android devices or between iOS and Android or vice-versa. 
    Select the method as appropriate for you to share the exported file to the second device. 

        Note: If you are using AirDrop: 

  1. Select AirDrop and select the Destination device. 
  2. The transferred file gets saved in the device's Downloads section. It opens a window for you to select the folder to save it under. Tap Avaz and tap Save. This transfers the backup file to Avaz app. 

If you have Avaz ver less than 6.6 : Exporting a folder

  1. Navigate to the folder that you want to export. 
  2. Tap the Edit button on the top right corner to enter the Edit mode. 
  3. Tap the Ellipsis button (the button with the three dots) on the bottom right corner of the navigation panel. 
  4. Tap Export this category.
  5. This opens a window with a default name of the folder that you are exporting (you can change the name if you wish to). 
  6. Click OK to proceed with the export. This may take a few seconds and you will get a message after the export is completed. 
  7. Now go to Settings -> Backup & Restore -> Link to Dropbox and turn it ON. This will transfer the folder content from the device to Dropbox (on the cloud). 

Note: You can also use export-import within the same device to copy-paste a folder from one app to another within the same app/device and this does not require linking to Dropbox if it is to be transferred within the same device. 

2) IMPORT a folder / category (into destination device)

    If you have received the imported file via mail:

  1. Download the file from the email to the device where you have Avaz app installed.
  2. Open the Files app in your Avaz device, to confirm if the file has been downloaded to your device.

    If you have receiving the imported file via Dropbox: 

  1. In the destination device, go to Settings -> Backup & Restore -> Link to Dropbox and turn it ON. This will link to Dropbox and transfers the folder to the device. Make sure that you login to the same Dropbox account as the first device. This will automatically import the file to your device in a few minutes. You will be able to see it under Restore from Backups section. 

    If you have receiving the imported file via AirDrop:

  1. The imported file is stored under Files. 
  2. Tap on the file and it will automatically open in Avaz. 

Steps to import a folder 
  1. Open Avaz app and navigate to the folder, where you want to import the new folder you  received.
  2. Tap Menu > Edit words > Folder options
  3. Tap the option Browse Folder backups
  4. Tap Import from File Browser. Select the file to be imported (.avc). 
  5. The selected file is imported in the current location. 

For Avaz ver less than ver 6.6 Steps to import the file 

  1. Navigate to the folder that you want to import the category to.
  2. Tap the Edit button. 
  3. Tap the Ellipsis button (the button with the three dots) on the bottom right corner of the navigation panel. 
  4. Tap Import a category here. Now choose the folder that you exported.This will prompt you to change the category name if you wish toThis will import the exported category (folder) in this location. 
  5.   This will prompt you to change the category name if you wish to.
  6. Then it will import the exported category (folder) in this location.

Related articles:

Avaz FAQ : How to import a backup file .avt file to Avaz app (for iOS / Android users)