Here are some important facts to bear in mind when we compare language development for neuro-typical vs AAC users.

Neuro typical userAAC User
Number of words a child hears per day
 4000-6000 words Number of words "modelled" on the device per day
Number of times a child hears words before they can say it500 times50-150 - the number of times a word has to be modelled for the child to learn to start using it
Spoken language received by a child during the first 18 months
4380 hours*For AAC user who uses AAC twice a week for 20-30 minutes, it will take them 84 years before getting the same exposure to language through AAC*
No of hours of exposure to receptive language by the time they are 9-12 years
36,500 hours*If an AAC user uses AAC for 20-30 minutes twice a week, it would take them 701 years to be exposed to the same amount of language on their device*
Duration for which child is immersed in language before WE expect them to start speaking
1 yearImmediately after starting AAC!


*Jane Korsten (2011)