If you have trouble using the touch screen of the iPad (due to fine motor difficulties), you can set up the following settings to change the way the touchscreen responds to your touches. 

The Touch Accommodations setting was introduced in Avaz app in version 6.6.6

Hold duration
Hold duration is the duration you must touch the screen before a touch is recognized. This is also referred to as "Dwell time".

  1. Go to Menu > Settings > Touch Accommodations (under Accessibility setting)
  2. Enable Touch Accommodations.
  3. Select on Release - Choose the option for when you want the touch to be recognized - on First Finger down or Last Finger up. 
  4. Hold Duration - Turn it ON. Select the number of seconds for which the user needs to hold the icon / word / letter, for the touch to be recognized.  
  5. Ignore Repeat - Turn it ON. Set the time (in seconds) within which to ignore repeated touches of the user.

For Avaz versions less than 6.6.6

For earlier versions of Avaz you can set it up in the Device's Accessibility settings.


You can set up Touch Accommodations (touch sensitivity settings) using the Accessibility feature of your device, for setting up the Hold time and Ignore Repeat time for Avaz touch selection. This changes the way your device's screen responds to touch. 

For iPads

You can triple-click the Home button at any time to turn Touch Accommodations on / off. 

To set up Touch Accommodations :

Touch Accommodations - Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Touch Accommodations and turn on Touch Accommodations.

You can then set up the following:
  1. Hold Duration - the duration you must touch the screen before a touch is recognized. This is also referred to as "Dwell time". 
  2. Ignore Repeat - the duration in which multiple touches are treated as one touch. This setting makes your iPad ignore multiple touches.
  3. Tap Assistance - to make your iPad respond to the initial or final touch location. 

For more details, tap here - How to set up Touch Accommodations on the iPad

For Android devices

To set up Touch accommodations in Android devices: 

For setting hold duration: 

  1. Open device Settings > Accessibility > Interactions & Dexterity  > Touch & Hold delay.
  2. Select Short / Medium / Long delay times, depending on the user's requirements. 
  3. For more details tap here Touch & Hold delay on Android.

For ignoring repeated touches

  1. Open device Settings > Accessibility > Interactions & Dexterity > Ignore repeated touches
  2. Set the time (in seconds) within which to ignore repeated touches of the user.