What are Communicative Functions?

Communication is not merely about requesting for basic wants and needs! It includes the various purposes for which we communicate or convey information or have a interaction with  others. 


Communicative functions

Few examples of vocabulary you can choose


Hi, Hello, Bye, good morning, good evening, good bye


I want ice-cream, I want to go to park, give me juice, more water, give me that

Denial / protesting / rejecting

No, don’t want, don’t do that, stop, 


Red ball, tall man, clean hands, dirty ball etc. 

Asking questions

What is that, Who is that, Where are we going, When is he coming, How does this work, Why are we going, what time

CommentingI like it, this is cool, wow, awesome! 

Responding to questions

I am fine. I agree. I like it. 

Sharing / relating information

I went to my friend’s house. I ate a pizza, I saw a movie

Directing attention 

Look here, see this


Relating jokes


Let’s go for a movie, let’s go to the park


Yes, It is, I meant


Is It? Did you mean?


Ensure that you don't limit your interaction to Questions, requests or instructions - use more comments, suggestions, greetings, opinions etc. - encourage the use of a wide range of communication pragmatics - the purpose of communication! 

E.g. Relating information

Teach how to Relate or share information using Avaz