Social stories are simple stories that are very useful tools to help explain social situations in advance to children, and to teach them to respond in a socially appropriate manner. This helps them be better prepared to face various situation in the real world and reduces their anxieties and frustrations when they actually encounter the situation.
Examples include:
Turn-taking and sharing objects with other children while playing in a group
Waiting in a queue at a billing counter
Waiting in a queue to board a bus or train
Explaining a lockdown situation
Shifting your house
Preparing for a train or flight journey
Social stories were originally created in 1991 by Carol Gray, a teacher for children with autism. They are essentially visual descriptions of a situation, event, concept, or activity. They can be useful for people of all ages having social and communication challenges. The visual representation makes it easier to understand and the audio helps in reinforcing concepts by through repeated listening.
Example of a social story:
Being sick
How to create social stories?
It is very simple to create social stories in Avaz.
- Write down the sequence of sentences as you would explain to a child to help understand the situation in advance.
Create a new category or folder with the title of the social story, e.g. "If you are sick". - Add one icon for each sentence. Pick an appropriate icon from the Symbols library or add your own photo or choose from the web.
- Write the main part of the sentence in the Caption field so that the entire text is visible. E.g. "cover mouth"
- In the Speak As field, write the entire sentence that you want spoken aloud and conveyed to the child. E.g. "Cover your mouth while you cough".
More social stories :
Social story on Avaz, created by parent, Smrithy Rajesh, to help prepare her son, Advaith for an upcoming train journey.
When I'm angry : Expressing anger
Losing a tooth
Washing hands
Social distancing
Coronavirus Symptoms
Explaining lockdown extension
Some of the above social stories are available for download - click Social Stories for Import (.avc files)
What are private parts and touching
Please download attachments below
Potty-training and Using the toilet
Please download attachments below.
Waiting while travelling in the car
Please download attachment below
Puberty in girls
Preparing for puberty - Autistic
Resources - flashcards, social stories etc.
Periods flashcards- Able2learn
Periods flashcards-Able
Articles on Social stories
Appropriate behaviours
Personal safety
Puberty: A Guide for Teenagers with ASD and their parents
A guide : Puberty for ASD