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Avaz AAC
NEW! Avaz ver 8.0 release (Sep 2024)
As an existing user, what are the visible changes, after update to Avaz version 8.0 ?
What is a linked folder and how to link a folder?
What happens when you edit / delete a linked folder?
How to set up different grid sizes for different folders?
How to make a word / button jump to another page or folder?
View all 15
New to AAC? Learn about AAC, Myths and Facts and AAC Resources
AAC Primer
AAC Primer - resources and links
AAC Myths and Facts
What is the difference between Speech, Language and Communication?
Myths and Facts (details)
View all 9
New to Avaz? Get started.
How to start using Avaz ? (new)
Starting Tips
What items do I add to Avaz to personalize / customize it for my child?
What is ALI (modelling) and why is it important?
How do I do modeling (Aided Language Stimulation)?
View all 29
Using Avaz? Learn Communication Strategies, tips and ideas
Ideas and Tips to motivate communication
How to teach requesting?
How to teach emotions and expression of feelings?
Core word posters
Communication Tips and Guidelines
View all 29
Purchase, Pricing and Subscription
What is the price of Avaz (how much does Avaz cost) ?
How do I buy / purchase Avaz app on my device?
What are the purchase options for Avaz and how do I subscribe for it?
What is the price of Avaz India?
How do I restore purchase (use Avaz) on a 2nd device or reinstall Avaz after deleting it ?
View all 22
Avaz ver 6.6.5 release (16 March 2023)
How to migrate my data from the existing app to the new app (iOS)
How to migrate directly to the combined app? (iOS 11-14 only)
Why do I have to migrate to the new app?
How to migrate my data to new Avaz through Files (via AirDrop)? (iOS 11-14 only)
How do I set up Avaz to take backups automatically?
View all 11
User videos and stories
Advaith expresses his preferences and learns concepts using Avaz
SLP Vidya uses Avaz for various purposes of communication
Pranav uses Avaz while Shopping
Aditi Sowmyanarayan shares her thoughts using Avaz
Nishant orders food, expresses pain - Avaz in his daily life
View all 22
General FAQ
What devices or platforms does Avaz run on? What are the minimum specifications / configuration required for running Avaz?
What are the languages supported by Avaz iOS app (through iOS voice and text support) ?
How does Avaz compare with other AAC apps or what makes Avaz different / unique?
What is Avaz?
Do I need an internet connection to run Avaz?
View all 80
Avaz Settings (General)
I have forgotten my password for Settings / Edit. How to reset the password?
How do I set / change / remove a password to access Settings and Edit buttons?
How do I set up Apple’s Guided Access to disable buttons that I don’t want to be activated on the app?
How are the word variations (morphological forms) displayed in Avaz?
How do I set up Avaz for my child - using Settings Wizard?
View all 23
Audio settings
How do I change the voice or the accent to suit the user?
How can I change the speed of the audio? It is too fast and I can’t understand it.
How do I prevent the app from speaking out the buttons (non-AAC buttons), like ‘Go back’, ‘Home’, ‘Load’, ‘Save’ etc.?
How to disable or mute the audio when the sentence is being formed, and speak out only the final message?
How to mute or turn off audio for icons or folders?
View all 7
Picture mode
What are the different types of vocabularies in Avaz?
How does Avaz vocabulary promote motor planning ?
How do I find or search for words in the vocabulary?
What is the Alert button?
How do I communicate urgent messages in Picture mode?
View all 15
Pic mode - Edit/Customization
How do I add new words (buttons/icons) to the Avaz picture vocabulary?
How do I print a page (screen) or print Avaz book (low tech board) as PDF ?
How to record my voice or add custom audio ?
How can I remove the side menu / navigation bar?
How do I edit an icon or change Avaz vocabulary (text, image, audio) ?
View all 30
Picture mode settings
How do I set or change the vocabulary level in picture mode?
How do I change the text (caption) size in the buttons?
How do I lock the page or turn off the screen scroll (page swipe)?
How do I remove the message box from the screen?
How do I remove the pictures in the message box?
View all 18
Keyboard mode and settings
How does prediction work in the keyboard mode?
How to save and delete frequently used messages - through Favourites / Save and Load
How do I access the history of recently spoken sentences (or words) in Avaz?
How do I clear the history of recently typed words?
How do I delete a saved phrase/ sentence / message?
View all 11
Trouble Shooting
I am not able to purchase Avaz India from Play Store. How else do I purchase?
I am unable to backup to Dropbox or restore a backup from Dropbox. What do I do?
I am not able to link to Dropbox or my app crashes when I try to link to Dropbox. What do I do?
I have problems with Avaz - it is behaving strangely / freezing / response time is very slow. What do I do?
The audio / voice is not working in Avaz (no sound). What do I do?
View all 21
User Testimonials
Mother of Heather Peters - USA(Illinois)- (videos)
Testimonials from parents and professionals
Mother of Brice Bender-USA (Georgia)- how Avaz has made a difference in her son's life (video)
Mother of Sophie -USA (SC) - How Sophie uses Avaz to say she wants to communicate (video)
Mother of Sophie and her SLP-USA (SC) -(videos)
View all 11
User Testimonials (Avaz India users)
Testimonial Letters from leading Special schools of India
Dr. Preeja Balan, SLP - India (Bangalore) -( Testimonial letter)
Vidhya Mathalai SLP- India (Bangalore)-(text of email)
User Testimonials (brief)
Avaz is my voice - Preetha Menon's blogs about her non-verbal son
View all 8
Avaz FreeSpeech
What's new in FreeSpeech ver 1.2?
Sentence Creation
User Videos
Children using FreeSpeech to learn language
Internal Support
Internal Trouble-shooting
How do I get the UDID of my iPad ?
Some icons are missing after the update to ver 6.6!
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by Freshdesk