Sometimes you may want a number to be read by its numerals, instead of as a number, e.g, you may want an address like "1405" to be read aloud as "one four zero five" instead of being read as the number "one thousand four hundred and five". Similarly you may want an abbreviation to be spelt aloud by the alphabets instead of reading it out as a word. e.g."S" "A" "P" instead of being read as a word "sap"
You can independently change the audio pronunciation by giving a space in between the numerals or words - e.g. 1 4 0 5 instead of 1405 - in the Speak As box of the item. this will read the numbers individually or spell the words by alphabet. Alternatively, for spelling the a word by alphabets can also be achieved by giving the word in Capital letters in the Speak As box. E.g. if you write SAP in the Speak As box, it will be read as S-A-P and not as SAP.
For version 6.6
You can set this up in the Speak As field of the icon, in the Update word window.
- Go to Menu at the top right corner and tap Edit words to enter the Edit mode.
- Select the icon that you want to change the audio for.
- Tap the Change button on the top bar. This opens the Update word window.
- Now you can enter the appropriate text in the Speak As field
- You can test it by tapping the Speaker button below to hear the audio.
- Tap Save to save the item.
- Tap Close at the top left to exit the Edit mode.
For version below 6.6.
You can set this up in the Speak As field of the icon, in the Edit Item window.
- Tap the Edit button to enter the Edit mode on the top bar to enter the Edit mode.
- Tap the icon that you want to change, to select it
- Tap the Change icon on the top right corner. This opens the Edit Item window.
- Now you can enter the appropriate text in the Speak As field
- You can test it by tapping the Speaker button next to it to hear the audio.
- Tap Done to save the item and close the Edit Item Window.
- Tap the Edit button to exit the Edit mode.