You can delete multiple words or folders at one go. When you select a folder for deletion, the words and sub-folders within that folder are also deleted. 

For version 8.0 and above:

You can choose to delete the words /folders either from the current folder or from across all the grid sizes where they are present. Note that this is a new feature introduced in Ver 8.0.

To delete multiple words or folders: 

  1. Tap on Menu on the top right corner. 
  2. Choose Edit Words. This takes you to the Edit Words window. 
  3. Tap to select the words and/or folders that you wish to delete. 

  4. Tap the Delete button in the top bar. 

  5. You will see a Delete confirmation before proceeding to delete. A pop up is displayed for you  to choose if you wish to delete the words /folders  from the current folder or from across all the grid sizes where they are present. Once you confirm, the selected words/folders are deleted. 

For version 6.6. and above

To delete multiple words or folders: 

  1. Tap on Menu on the top right corner. 
  2. Choose Edit Words. This takes you to the Edit Words window. 
  3. Tap to select the words and/or folders that you wish to delete. 
  4. Tap the Delete button in the top bar. 
  5. You see a Delete warning before proceeding to delete. Once you confirm, the selected words are deleted in the Edit mode.
  6. Tap Done to save the changes and exit the Edit Words window.

For version below 6.6.

  1. Tap the pencil icon to switch to Edit mode.
  2. Select multiple items (messages or folders) by tapping over the buttons. 
  3. Tap the Delete icon on the right edit panel. You will be asked for a confirmation to delete. 
  4. Tap Delete to confirm the deletion. All the selected items will be deleted. If you have selected a folder, all the words and sub folders within that will be deleted. 

Note: The deletion is final - once deleted, you can restore the deleted items and there is no Undo feature.