This feature is available for Avaz ver 6.6 and above

The buttons on the side Navigation bar (in the Picture mode) can be customized to be  side of the device, based on the convenience of the AAC user. 

  1. Tap Menu button on the top right corner. (Screenshot 1)
  2. Tap the Settings button(Screenshot 2)
  3. Tap the Change Side Navigation Bar option (screenshot 3)
  4. Tap Side Navigation Bar to turn it ON.
  5. Select the position of the side Navigation bar - Left or Right  (screenshots 4a,4b), depending on the user's convenience for accessing the same. 


It is recommended to choose a mimimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 buttons to be displayed in the Navigation bar. If you would like to use more than 6 buttons, the button sizes will be smaller and the user may find it difficult to tap and activate the buttons. 

Screenshot 1: Tap Menu button

Screenshot 2: Tap Settings button

Screenshot 3: Tap "Change Side Navigation bar" button

Screenshot 4a: Select position of side Navigation bar 

Screenshot 4b: Customizable Navigation bar, positioned on the left

Screenshot 4c: Customizable Navigation bar, positioned on the right

Related articles

Avaz FAQ: How to customize the side Navigation bar buttons?

Avaz FAQ: How can I remove the side Navigation bar?