The Search button allows you to find a word in the Avaz picture vocabulary without having to browse through the list of folders sequentially.

  1. Tap the Menu button on the top right corner. 
  2. Tap the Search icon from the top menu bar. This opens up the Search window.
  3. Tap the Search box and the keyboard pops up for you to enter the word.
    Type the word that you are searching for and tap Search on the keyboard. The search results are displayed below the search. The results that display a small folder icon on the right, indicate that it is a folder.
    Tap the search result to access the page that contains the word.

The Search button allows you to find a word in the Avaz picture vocabulary without having to browse through the list of folders sequentially.

  1. Tap the MenuSearch icon from the top menu bar. This opens up the Search window.
  2. Tap the Search box and the keyboard pops up for you to enter the word. 
  3. Type the word that you are searching for and tap Search on the keyboard. The search results are displayed below the search. The results that display a small folder icon on the right, indicate that it is a folder. 
  4. Tap the search result to access the page that contains the word. 

Screenshot for Avaz ver 6.6

Screenshot 1: 

Screenshot 2:

For Avaz ver Less than 6.6