Purchase, Pricing and Subscription

What is the price of Avaz (how much does Avaz cost) ?
  Avaz Pricing  The Avaz pricing from the App Store or Play Store is given below:  For iOS  1. Avaz Lifetime (one time purchase from App Store)  ...
Fri, 10 Jan, 2025 at 4:59 PM
How do I buy / purchase Avaz app on my device?
You can purchase Avaz app from your device directly from the app store - you can purchase it from the App store (for iPads) or Google Play store (for Andro...
Thu, 5 Oct, 2023 at 5:07 PM
What are the purchase options for Avaz and how do I subscribe for it?
Purchase options  Avaz is available for use in 2 ways:  Lifetime edition - a one-time, fully paid-up version Here, the app is downloaded directly from t...
Tue, 23 Jul, 2024 at 5:59 PM
What is the price of Avaz India?
Pricing for Avaz India  Subscription plans / Purchase options available:  Note that the subscription version offers a free trial for 14 days after reg...
Thu, 5 Oct, 2023 at 6:08 PM
How do I restore purchase (use Avaz) on a 2nd device or reinstall Avaz after deleting it ?
If you have deleted the app, or if you want to restore a purchase to a 2nd device (as per Apple's policy) here are the steps to reinstall it back. ...
Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 at 5:05 PM
What is VPP (Volume Purchase Program) for bulk purchase / multiple licenses?
Avaz has offered Educational institutions special pricing through Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP). This means that Educational institutions can av...
Thu, 25 Oct, 2018 at 12:04 PM
How do I sync / copy / transfer Avaz data(vocabulary/backup) between two devices?
Avaz offers cross-platform compatibility - you can sync content (backups) between your iOS and Android devices seamlessly. If you have customized the ap...
Wed, 5 Mar, 2025 at 10:43 PM
How do I unsubscribe / cancel auto-renewal of my subscription?
How to manage your subscription and stop auto-renewing subscriptions :  FOR Android  Open the Play Store. From the main page, tap the menu icon in...
Mon, 12 Oct, 2020 at 5:26 PM
The symbols in Avaz are suddenly missing and I cannot hear audio / sound any more. What happened? (Lite)
If your Avaz subscription has ended, you will not have access to the symbols and voices. Please renew your subscription (monthly) or purchase for li...
Wed, 17 Aug, 2016 at 11:02 PM
How do I migrate from promo codes to managed distribution in the VPP?
Organizations that participate in the Volume Purchase Program (VPP) can choose between two different distribution methods for each VPP transaction: managed ...
Sat, 3 Oct, 2015 at 1:41 PM