Avaz is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for children with speech difficulties. "Avaz" means "voice" in Hindi, and it gives a voice for these children, to help them express their needs, wants, thoughts and feelings through the app.
The user can use either pictures or text (through a keyboard) to express himself. He can string a set of words together on the Sentence box, and he can tap the box for the app speak the sentence out, on his behalf.
Whom is Avaz suitable for?
Avaz can be useful for people with Complex Communication Needs - it is useful for anyone who is
- non-verbal
- partially verbal
- single word communicators
- having unclear speech
- language delay
Conditions include:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disability, Pit Hopkins, TBI (Traumatic Brain injury) and several other accidental or genetic conditions resulting in speech impairments.
Please note that Avaz can partially support Aphasia patients, as the condition results in disabilities with comprehension and expression. However the images in Avaz can help. The vocabulary has to be customized as per the user’s individual needs for their condition.
Tap here to View a demo of Avaz
Click here to get more information about Avaz from the Avaz FAQ page on the website - Avaz FAQ
Related FAQs:
In what languages is Avaz available?
How do we pronounce Avaz?
Avaz means “voice” in Hindi.
The correct pronunciation of Avaz is "aa vaa zz" - both a's (aa and vaa) are pronounced like the first 'a' in "lava". 'ava' part rhymes with 'laa' of 'lava'.
Name: Avaz
Pronunciation : AA-VAA-ZZ
AA | V | AA | ZZ |
Lava | Very | Car | Zip |