Pic mode - Edit/Customization

How do I copy multiple words and folders to a different location?
You can move words and folders from one location to another using Copy and Paste buttons.  To copy multiple words and folders to a different location: ...
Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 6:53 AM
How do I add a new page / folder /category ?
You can add a new page (folder /category) using the following steps: For Avaz ver 6.6+  Tap the Menu button on the top right corner.  Tap Edit Words...
Tue, 1 Nov, 2022 at 10:50 PM
How do I access / delete Avaz documents (Avaz Books, backups) from my iPad?
You can access Avaz files like backups and Avaz Books that are stored on the app in your device, using iTunes.  It is useful to periodicall...
Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 at 3:20 AM
How do I move icons around within the page ?
In the Edit mode, you can move icons within the page to any location.  Tap the Menu > Edit words to enter Edit mode. (For earlier versions, tap Edit...
Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 7:09 AM
How do I hide and unhide a word / folder, without permanently deleting it?
For version 6.6 and above You can hide and unhide a word or folder without permanently deleting it.  To Hide icons:  Navigate to Menu > Edit...
Tue, 17 Oct, 2023 at 3:31 PM
How do I delete multiple words or folders?
You can delete multiple words or folders and its sub folders and words.  For version 6.6. and above To delete multiple words or folders:  Tap on M...
Tue, 17 Oct, 2023 at 3:39 PM
What is the color code used in Avaz?
Avaz version 6.6  Avaz uses a color code for the words in the picture vocabulary, to differentiate between the various parts of speech.  The color code ...
Fri, 20 Oct, 2023 at 11:53 AM
How do I change the background color (color code) of an icon?
The background color of an icon is based on the Fitzgerald key for AAC, which uses a specified set of background colors, based on the word's part of spe...
Tue, 17 Oct, 2023 at 4:17 PM
How can I add photos from the web (internet)?
For Avaz 4.2 and above, you can search and add web images seamlessly from within the app. You can search for photos of any word from the internet and browse...
Wed, 2 Nov, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Are the custom images added in the picture mode displayed in the keyboard mode?
Yes, for Avaz 4.2 onward, the custom images added in the picture mode, will reflect in the keyboard mode too.  Click here to see How to change an im...
Wed, 4 Nov, 2015 at 5:09 PM